4 de novembro de 2008

We All Stand Together - Clip original com Paul McCartney

We All Stand Together
Paul McCartney

Win or lose, sink or swim
One thing is certain, we'll never give in
Side by side, hand in hand
We all stand together

Play the game, fight the fight
But what's the point on a beautiful night
Arm in arm, hand in hand
We all stand together

La la la la la la la la
Keeping us warm in the night
La la la la la la la la la la la
Walk in the light
You'll get it right

La la la la la la la la
Keeping us warm in the night
La la la la la la la la la la la
Walk in the light
You'll get it right

Win or lose, sink or swim
One thing is certain, we'll never give in
Side by side, hand in hand
We all stand together


Veja o vídeo original completo da festa dos sapos e saiba mais sobre este premiado projeto musical de Sir Paul McCartney com o fantástico desenhista Geoff Dunbar no blog Meu Blues Pra Você.

Acesse o site de Rupert and The Frog Song

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