22 de agosto de 2010

Homenagem ao inesquecível mestre do Blues, John Lee Hooker

John Lee Hooker- Foto de Jean-Luc Ourlin, 20/8/1978, no Massey Hall
Foto de Jean-Luc Ourlin, 20/8/1978, no Massey Hall
O Blog do Lobo reverencia a memória de uma das maiores lendas do Blues, o grande mestre, o bluesman John Lee Hooker. Nascido em 22/8/1917 (a 21/6/2001) em Clarksdale, Mississipi, Hooker desenvolveu seu próprio estilo, com seu jeito de cantar como se estivesse falando, sem métrica definida. Decidi publicar um de seus grandes sucessos, One bourbon, one Scotch and One beer. Espero que você goste!

One Boubon, one scotch, one beer
John Lee Hooker

One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer
One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer
Hey mister bartender come here
I want another drink and I want it now

My baby she gone, she been gone two night
I ain't seen my baby since night before last
One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer

And then I sit there, gettin' high, mellow
Knocked out, feeling good and by the time
I looked on the wall at the old clock on the wall
By that time, it was ten thirty daddy

I looked down the bar, at the bartender
He said, "Now what do you want Johnny?"

One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer

Well my baby she gone, she been gone two night
I ain't seen my baby since night before last
I wanna get drunk till I'm off of my mind
One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer

And I sat there, gettin' high, stoned
Knocked out, and by the time
I looked on the wall, at the old clock again
And by that time, it was a quarter to two

Last call for alcohol, I said,
Hey mister bartender, what do you want?"

One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer
One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer
One bourbon, one scotch, and one beer

Fonte: Wikipedia

2 comentários:

  1. Anônimo8:09 AM

    data de nascimento é o que deve ser lembrado. beijo.

  2. Tenho dois cds dessa fera. Muito bom. Abrços


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