Em 1969, aos 20 anos, assinou contrato com a gravadora e lançou seu primeiro álbum, "Five Leaves Left". Em 1970 lançou "Bryter Layter" e em 72, o terceiro álbum, "Pink Moon". Nenhum deles vendeu mais de 5 mil cópias. A sua relutância em se apresentar ao vivo contribuiu para seu pequeno sucesso comercial. Mesmo assim, conseguiu arrebanhar um fiel grupo de seguidores que viria a repercutir a sua música. Uma dessas pessoas foi o seu empresário, John Boyd que incluiu uma cláusula no contrato com a gravadora Island Record que garantia que os discos de Drake jamais sairiam de catálogo.

Durante os anos 70 havia um interesse residual na música de Drake até o lançamento da retrospectiva Fruit Tree, em 1979, que reavivou o interesse pelos seus discos. Na década seguinte Drake foi creditado por ter influenciado artistas como Robert Smith, do The Cure e Peter Buck, do REM, além de ser frequentemente citado por Kate Bush, Paul Weller e o pessoal do The Black Crowes. Em 1968 Elton John chegou a gravar várias músicas de Drake na sessão "Nick Drake & DJ Music Demo Session" e, em 2005, Beck Hansen regravou 3 músicas de Drake, que disponibilizou no seu site: "Pink Moon", "Which Will" e "Parasite".

Encontrei o documentário A Stranger Among Us no YouTube dividido em 4 partes e você pode assistí-lo seguindo os links:
Parte 1 - Parte 2 - Parte 3 - Parte 4
Site Oficial de Nick Drake
Fonte: Wikipedia
Pink Moon, de Nick Drake
esta música foi usada em um comercial do Cabriolet da Volkswagen
Pink moon is on its way
And none of you stand so tall
Pink moon gonna get you all
It's a pink moon
It's a pink, pink, pink, pink, pink moon.
Fruit Tree
Fruit Tree
Nick Drake
Fame is but a fruit tree
So very unsound.
It can never flourish
Till its stalk is in the ground.
So men of fame
Can never find a way
Till time has flown
Far from their dying day.
Forgotten while you're here
Remembered for a while
A much updated ruin
From a much outdated style.
Life is but a memory
Happened long ago.
Theatre full of sadness
For a long forgotten show.
Seems so easy
Just to let it go on by
Till you stop and wonder
Why you never wondered why.
Safe in the womb
Of an everlasting night
You find the darkness can
Give the brightest light.
Safe in your place deep in the earth
That's when they'll know what you were really worth.
Forgotten while you're here
Remembered for a while
A much updated ruin
From a much outdated style.
Fame is but a fruit tree
So very unsound.
It can never flourish
Till its stock is in the ground.
So men of fame
Can never find a way
Till time has flown
Far from their dying day.
Fruit tree, fruit tree
No-one knows you but the rain and the air.
Don't you worry
They'll stand and stare when you're gone.
Fruit tree, fruit tree
Open your eyes to another year.
They'll all know
That you were here when you're gone.
esta música foi usada em um comercial do Cabriolet da Volkswagen
Pink Moon
Nick Drake
I saw it written and I saw it sayNick Drake
Pink moon is on its way
And none of you stand so tall
Pink moon gonna get you all
It's a pink moon
It's a pink, pink, pink, pink, pink moon.
Fruit Tree
Fruit Tree
Nick Drake
Fame is but a fruit tree
So very unsound.
It can never flourish
Till its stalk is in the ground.
So men of fame
Can never find a way
Till time has flown
Far from their dying day.
Forgotten while you're here
Remembered for a while
A much updated ruin
From a much outdated style.
Life is but a memory
Happened long ago.
Theatre full of sadness
For a long forgotten show.
Seems so easy
Just to let it go on by
Till you stop and wonder
Why you never wondered why.
Safe in the womb
Of an everlasting night
You find the darkness can
Give the brightest light.
Safe in your place deep in the earth
That's when they'll know what you were really worth.
Forgotten while you're here
Remembered for a while
A much updated ruin
From a much outdated style.
Fame is but a fruit tree
So very unsound.
It can never flourish
Till its stock is in the ground.
So men of fame
Can never find a way
Till time has flown
Far from their dying day.
Fruit tree, fruit tree
No-one knows you but the rain and the air.
Don't you worry
They'll stand and stare when you're gone.
Fruit tree, fruit tree
Open your eyes to another year.
They'll all know
That you were here when you're gone.
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